Environment Committee Monday, May 18, 2015; 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Environmental Services Facility 4222 Westmont Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217 Conference Room A & B Committee Members: Staff Resource: John Autry, Chair Ed Driggs, Vice Chair David Howard Claire Fallon Kenny Smith Hyong Yi, City Manager’s Office AGENDA I. State Regulatory Reform Staff Resource: Dana Fenton, City Manager’s Office House Bill 760 was introduced on April 14 and was passed by the House of Representatives on May 6. The Senate has referred House Bill 760 to the Senate Committee on Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources. There are several sections that may impact how the City does business if House Bill 760 is enacted. Action: For information only II. PCCO Mitigation Fee Task Force Update Staff Resource: Daryl Hammock, Engineering & Property Management Last fall, Council directed the City Manager to appoint a task force to assess the use of stormwater mitigation fees for redeveloping sites. The task force has met eight times since January. An information and educational period has been underway and the task force is currently deliberating how best to provide stormwater mitigation for redeveloping sites. An update will be provided to the Committee. Action: None required, for information only III. Biosolids Program Staff Resource: Barry Gullet, Charlotte Water Charlotte Water will present information about long‐term biosolids management strategy options. The current strategy relies on a 20‐year contract that will expire in 2019. Depending on the strategy chosen, it could take several years to develop the strategy, procure a vendor, and transition to a different plan. The purpose of this briefing is to receive feedback from the Committee. There will be an opportunity to visit a biosolids facility next door to the meeting location. Action: Provide feedback to staff Next Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 2015; 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., Room 280 Distribution: City Council Ron Carlee, City Manager Executive Team Bob Hagemann Stephanie Kelly Environmental Cabinet